How do we use your personal information?

In the course of buying and selling processes The information you provide us, like your email address, name and address, is recorded.

As you shop in our store online The IP address of your device is tracked on a regular basis. This information helps us understand your browser type and operating system.

Marketing emails (if applicable) If you give us permission, we may send to you emails regarding our products, store openings and other updates.


What can I do to give my permission to you?

In providing us with the information about yourself to finish an order, verify your credit card or place an order, make arrangements for the refund of your purchase, or for a shipment to arrive We assume that you have agreeing to the gathering of this information for these particular purposes.

If we ask you to provide details about yourself by us, to fulfill a third motive (such such as to market), we either will explicitly ask you for your consent or offer you an option to deny.


Your personal information may be made public if it is required by law or if our Terms of Services are violated.


Third-party vendors that we engage may collect, store and release your personal information in the limited extent necessary in order to allow them to provide the functions we provide to them.

Certain third-party suppliers, like payment processors and payment gateways offer privacy guidelines for the details we have to give them to finish your transaction.

We recommend you review the privacy policies of these providers to ensure you know what information you provide will be employed by them.

It is important to remember that certain service providers could exist, or operate their facilities in a country or jurisdiction which is not your own. There is a possibility that you will need to follow local laws if you proceed in a transaction that requires a third-party provider.


Our reasonable precautions to ensure that the information you provide us with will not be misused or stolen are backed by industry standards.

Credit card details are saved in an encrypted format of AES-256 with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Although no method of transmission through the Internet or in electronic storage is completely secure, we comply with all PCI-DSS requirements and implement the additional industry standards generally accepted by all parties.

Section 6: The Age at which You Can CONSENT

You represent by using this website that you have met the requirements of minimum age in the state or province in which you live or meet the minimum age requirements in the state or provincial residence that you reside in. You have also given your consent to allow minors who are dependent on you to use this website.